Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year to everyone. It's been a while since I've taken the time to get on here, so let's catch everyone up on the important news before chatting a bit.

Baby update: Over Christmas holiday, Julie and I went in for the ultrasound appointment with the intention of finding out the sex of the baby. In what appears to be sign of things to come, the baby was not cooperating and decided to remain in positions that made it impossible for the technician to tell definitively what the sex was. Sigh....the baby is definately taking after Julie...difficult from the start.

So if I were you, I would definately expect lots of baby talk (er....discussion about babies) on this blog for the near future. It's hard to explain if you're single, or even married without kids yet, but the whole of our lives has been taken up with baby thoughts. Yes, that's right....we've become some of those people...and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Things we've been doing for years are now taking on new meaning. Questions just keep circulating through my head. What am I going to teach this child? What is this child going to teach me? I've got to brush up on my nursery rhymes again. Do I remember the alphabet? Dare I subject my child to the pain of being a lifelong Detroit Lions fan?

If you haven't been through this it's a little hard to describe the equal amounts of sheer terror and absolute joy that run through you all the time. All this responsibility for something that's going to have it's own will, it's own desires, it's own likes and it's own dislikes. And of course there's all the impending heartache to come. If it's a boy he's going to have to grow up and make his own way in the world. If it's a girl then you realize she's just going to remain daddy's girl even if she decides to grow up and marry some guy who won't be good enough any way. Sigh.....

But before we get to all that there's going to be all of the adventures. So many things to discover. Hands, toes, hugs, kisses, cats, zoos, music, the Oak Ridge Boys, Petra, trombones, comic books, books, science fiction, television, Elmo, movies, Star Wars, sports, pool, the Detroit Tigers, the Detroit Red Wings, the Plymouth Whalers, Church, litergy, God, Christ and the Holy Ghost. And the list goes on and on. So much to little time, it seems...

and I'm looking forward to every second of it.

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