Sunday, January 22, 2006

And another weekend gone....

Wow. It's hard to believe how fast these things go by. I'm really not kidding. I go into Friday night all excited because I get to play racquetball and I have a whole weekend to rest. Then I lift my head again and it's Sunday evening. I don't know where it goes. Anyway, here's some random stuff that's grabbed my attention lately. Check it out if it grabs yours:

  1. AICN has some reviews of X3 and some leaked picks of Famke Janssen. Check it out here. I'm not sure how I feel about the review. I really want to like this, but I'm getting nervous. Not sure how I feel about the Dark Phoenix outfit either.
  2. Happy "Sweet Sixteen" Birthday to Liz. We ran into her yesterday and found out it was her birthday today. Then we found out she's sixteen. Gawd, I'm getting friggin old.
  3. We ran into Liz while we were at a memorial service for a member of our prior church who had died recently. It was interesting see all his family and friends there and to find out some detail of his private life. I really got me thinking how little we ususally know about each other even though we're all members of the same church. The fact that this man played checkers in nationwide competitions was a total surprise to me. It's really got me thinking that within my new church we really need to take the time to get to know each other. Relationship is so much more than just saying hi to each other on Sunday.
  4. Roy had forwarded me this article about the latest rumor in the saving of Arrested Development. Come on Showtime, pick it up. Surely someone must have the brains to see how funny this show is.
  5. Julie and I finally finished Lost: Season 1. Arrrrrgh. Can ABC just go into immediately reruns so we can catch up with Season 2?

Ah well, time to move on. God bless 'all. See you later.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Finally the Tasha drama is over. Now I'm just kind of chilling again. But through it all, I think Roy had the best quote from the whole thing:

"Note to Tasha: What happens outside the condo, stays outside the condo"

It's kept me cracking up for a couple of days now.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Tashawatch - Day 7

The Princess has been recovered....repeat......The Princess has been recovered.

At 1830 hours the trap was deployed by Agent Jim. Agent Jim then returned to the house for dinner and Bible study. 2000 hours: Agent Jim goes downstairs to watch tv. 2030 hours: Agent Jim observes the trap from the window and sees potential bogey caught inside. Agent Jim donned gloves and exited the house. Confirmed identity of captured bogey as Natasha, aka Tasha, aka The Princess. Natasha was brought into the house, checked over for any immediate wounds and an attempted sponge bath was given. At this point love and petting were also administered. Agent Jim calls wife and family to inform of capture. At 2100 hours, Natash was secured for transport to Animal Emergency Clinic for checkup. After numerous tests (and one rather awkward temperature taking) it was determined that the Princess had bloodied her paw after splitting a claw and was a little dehydrated but was essentially ok. Fluids were administered and the Princess was secured for transport home. Instructions have been left for Agent Julie to continue care in the morning. Report was filed and the case was closed.

[Wednesday, January 11, 2006 (12:31 am)]

'night y'all. Somehow I have to get up for work in the morning.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tashawatch - Day 6

We're getting closer. Here's the report:

A live trap was set out to apprehend Tasha (aka -the Princess). Agent Julie came home from a recruitment dinner around 2200 hours, saw Tasha on a neighbor's porch and attempted to follow and apprehend. In the darkness, the Princess spotted our agent and proceeded through a series of evasive manuevers, eventually leaving behind Agent Julie. Agent Julie returned to HQ and after a short debriefing, proceeded with an evening of R&R. Agent Jim took over survelience of the trap. At 2300 hours a final check of the trap was made. Trap was found to be empty. Agents Jim & Julie retired for the evening. At 0300 hours Agent Jim awoke via pre-set alarm to check on the trap. A review of the trap indicated the involatary confinement of a white long-haired cat with black patches along the body - it was not the Princess. Agent Jim proceeded to open the trap and release the detainee. Resetting the trap, Agent Jim returned to bed. At 0600 hours Agent Jim awoke and rechecked the trap. The trap was empty. Agent Jim proceeded through his morning routine and at 0700 hours, brought the trap in for the remainder of the day. Agent Jim then headed off to work. Agents Boris & Simone are conducting reviews of the trap to ensure that no detainees could escape the closed box. They appear most interested about the food that is found in the trap. Report is expected upon return to HQ.

"Operation Tasha-in-a-box" will recommence at 1900 hours.

Agent Jim

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Tashawatch - Day 4

Ok, so now God and Tasha are playing a joke on me. I see that now.

So for the weekend Julie and I have placed some bowls of food outside where we can see them from the house. On Saturday Julie was out and I was on watch. Around 8:00 or so I look outside and see a fuzzy little butt with cute little white mitten paws trotting away. I rush around to grab my coat and a flashlight, but by the time I get out there...she's gone. However she has eaten the bowl of food so I guess we're doing ok.

On Sunday we get a different idea. The food is still outside, but we lock away the other two kitties upstairs and we sit in the house, in the dark, with the front door wide open. And we sit. And we watch. We see a couple of kitties, a couple of possums but no Tasha. Finally about 9:00 we give up. It's been two hours, we're cold, we're tired and we just want to rest. No problem. We watch an episode of Lost. After it's over I start to head upstairs. I stop to look out the observation window and what do I see? Tasha sitting there eating. I open up the door and Tasha bolts. So what do I do? I bolt after her. No coat. Jeans and a sweatshirt. In my bare feet. In the middle of winter. Unfortunately she was moving quick and was gone. I lost her around a corner. So, I have to think smarter, but at least we know she's ok and she must have a hidey hole somewhere. Sigh....she just needs to come home before it gets too cold.

Friday, January 06, 2006


So somehow over the last day and a half, or so Tasha somehow got free and left the house. Can't find her, don't know where she went. I suppose God was taking care of her before we got her and He'll keep taking care of her now, but I miss my poor Tish-Tosh.

this sucks