Monday, August 29, 2005


Mondays are never simple in my life. Today was pretty good at work, but it seems like life hits me in one way or another whenever I'm not looking. Today's bit of irony came to me as I was sitting eating dinner at home. As is my custom I had the tv on (hey, Julie wasn't home yet) and was watching the BBC World News. As I was munching away I was looking at the devistation caused by Hurricane Katrina along the gulf coast. Just the strange juxtaposition of the sorrow and hardship these folks were going to have to go thorugh, and here I was feeding my face. Add to the irony the start of Monday Night Football and people jumping up and down like football was just the most important thing in the world yet here were others who seem to have lost everything. Isn't the world crazy???? Please God, show me how to reconnect to the world around me.....

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Man, it's Tuesday and I'm worn out. Sorry it's been a while since I last posted but I've been kind of busy. And if you look around the house you'll see evidence of our busy-ness through the extreme disorder of the place. It's a mess. So why am I tired? Well what's been going on.....

1. Wedding in Chicago: We just got back from a wedding for Julie's friend Brenda in Burr Ridge, Illinois. Now the unfortunate part was that Julie was on call on Friday night and so we had to leave Saturday. Now given that Julie's tired, and was going to do both our shares of the partying on Saturday know who did all the driving. Now given all the traffic on I-80 and the general insanity on US-94 it was a loooooong trip. On the positive side I left the party at my usual early time and got to watch Star Wars Ep III on the in room movie.

2. Work, work, work, work, work.

3. A blitzkreig dental assault on my teeth when all I thought I was doing was going in to have my dentist look at my teeth. I went in a couple of weeks ago and the hygenist cleaned my teeth, but my dentist wasn't there that day and there were a couple of spots the hygenist wanted him to look at so...back I came. Come in, sit in chair, look at teeth, go home, right? Not. When he walks in the room he says, "Alright Jim, we'll just numb them up and get to work." Wha...huh...?!? So anyway, two spots were drilled and filled. My mouth was numb half of the day. Now I just have a headache....

So yeah, wah, wah, blah, blah. Just tired and worn out. Hopefully I'll be able to post here a little more often. I have some plans for the website, with some writings that are probably more appropriate for an essay than for a blog. As I get time that is what I'd really like to focus more on. Oh well, catch you all later.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Wow. Another season is over. If anyone has been wondering what a bunch of guys who don't practice can do when they put their minds to it....apparently we can come in fourth place in the league. In a little bit of cosmic irony we won both of our games last night, moving ourselves into the Championship games today (Saturday) and then we had to forefit the game today because we couldn't get enough people that could make it. Wow. Sometimes life isn't fair, but we played our rear ends off last night and I think we all had alot to be proud of. For a season that we weren't really sure was going to happen, this one has sure been fun.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ahhhh...Love in the air

Ok, so anyone who knows me knows a few things about my obsession for movies. Along with my love of movies in general, my nigh-obsessive love of all things Star Wars and my geek love of Star Trek movies....I also have this thing for "chick flicks". That's right...romantic comedies. I love 'em. And tonight, when I got home, what was on tv???? "Return to Me" with David Duchovney and Minnie Driver. I LOVE this movie. Along with "The Replacements" and "The Waterboy", I could watch RTM 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's so cute, so sad and yet so happy. And let's not forget cheesy. So everyone have a good night...I'm sitting here as happy as can be. ;)