Saturday, December 31, 2005

Almost there

Happy New Year (almost)!!!!!

Ya know, for a “restful” holiday week I think I’m ready to get back to work just so I can take a break. This has been one of those weeks where just about everything I wanted to accomplish has not been done, but we’ve been coming up with interesting new challenges just to see how Jim would react. Frankly, it all started out so well. Nice holiday, lots of family time. But it seems that my life all fell apart thanks to an ornery dryer. You heard me; my appliances are rebelling against me. Ok, admittedly it is partly my fault. I was trying to fix a part of the dryer that I thought would be easy enough to open, take the old part out and pop in the new part. Heh…silly me. Little did I know that they design this stuff so you have to dismantle the entire dryer to replace one simple little part. So long story short, I got the thing back together but, cliché I know, it was never quite the same afterwards. A day later, after the high pitched whiney noise that indicated the end of the dryer I spent a day tracking down a new dryer/washer, transporting the silly thing home and getting it installed. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but trust me, it was an entire day. Then most of this day was dedicated to getting rid of the old machine. Two days of the five day vacation…….sigh…..

But I get to go to church tonight and then we’re having friends over for the evening to celebrate the new year.

Ah well, I know this is a bit rushed but I have to get ready for church. More to come tomorrow (the last day of this exciting day vacation).

Monday, December 26, 2005


And on the second day God said, “Give Jim a break!”

Ok, not really, but I’m ready for that break now. After three days of family and friends and church services it was nice to spend an afternoon just sitting around the house and not being social. The batteries are starting to recharge but it’s going to take a little while. As one of those introverts, being around people just tends to wear me out. The worst part is that people tend to interpret your actions as being rude, or not liking them when that’s really not the case. In my case it’s just that I’m a homebody. I recharge at home. Place me in a group of people or take me away from my home and I get drained. Just the way it is. But I did have a wonderful time with everyone I spent Christmas with. And I love my new church family. There was a wonderful service Christmas morning that was just so….worshipful. I love where I’ve moved to. Praise be to God for bringing me there. So enjoy your vacations, all. Time enough to work later ;)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Ok, I know it's a day early, but I finally got two minutes to sit down here and I don't know how busy tomorrow will be. So to all, I hope the holiday is peaceful. Relax and enjoy the downtime.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Snow Fun!!!

And the snow has arrived!!!!!! We finally got our first good 8 inch snow and here I am in Flint. Ah well. I have a hotel room booked for the night so I think I'm going to go there, eat a nice dinner and sit around with my book for the evening. Hope everyone else is safe and warm. How in the heck will I sleep without the kitties on my feet? More bedspace for me. ;)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Miscellaneous news

Wow…two posts in one day??? Ok, so the first one was cheating a little bit. I actually wrote it a couple of days ago, but was having some problems with Blogger so I didn’t get it posted. Today I have the pleasure of sitting around the house with my first cold of the season. My throat hurts and my head’s congested. You really have to love this time of year.

So I’m getting plenty of quality time reading comic books, watching tv and catching up on novels. Since I don’t have much to write about, how’s about we see what’s going on out in cyberspace.

Here’s an article out of the Chicago Tribune about Willow Creek and the fact that they’re not holding Christmas services. I’ve read through the reasoning three or four times and it still doesn’t make sense to me. They’re equating a personal family celebration (the birth of a child) and equating it to corporate worship. Talk about a lesson in not getting it.

Just when you thought it would never happen, here is a link to an article that has pictures of the soon to come movie, “Rocky Balboa”. That’s right, Rocky VI. I’d try to come up with some witty, sarcastic remark about this movie, but come on, you know you’re going to go see it. How can you not see Rocky VI???

We’re at T-minus thirteen days until “Serenity” is released on dvd. I know the movie didn’t exactly break any box office records, but I still loved it. And now it appears that Joss Wheadon is going to continue the Buffyverse and Serenityverse with straight-to-dvd movies. So I’m happy.

Alright, I’m having trouble sitting up straight, so I’m going to go back to the couch. Happy Wednesday, all!!!

Here comes the cold

And winter has arrived…..yuck.

Actually it’s not so bad. I do tend to like winter, but the reason I really like winter is because I’m such a homebody I like any excuse to stay in and in bed. My biggest annoyance during the winter has to do with driving back and forth to work. Considering that I have an hour drive to work each day when the weather is good, I tend to get a little grouchy when the weather turns like this.

Julie and I had a nice weekend at my company Christmas Party. There’s nothing like taking Julie to meet all of the crazy souls I tell her I encounter during the day. Now she knows why I am the way I am when I get home.

My new toy arrived this weekend. That’s right, I now have a DVR!!! Woo-hoo! Ok, I had to give up HBO to get it, but frankly I wasn’t watching much HBO anyway.

For my fellow geeks out there, they’ve released a teaser trailer for X3. Don’t know if it’ll be any good or not, but I liked the first two so I’m willing to give this one the benefit of the doubt. Have to love the look of Kelsey Grammer as the Beast. And please, just let me look at that shot of Famke Janson walking out of the infirmary four or five times in slow motion and I’ll be perfectly happy.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Work Day Fun!!!

I hate budget season…

My brain is mush…
