Thursday, September 29, 2005

More Random Thoughts

So I’m sitting here watching one of the two shows that I must watch on a weekly basis, “Everwood” (the other, if you’re curious is “Arrested Development”, the funniest show ever made). I love this show. And for the season opener they are showing some of the funniest examples of relationships that I’ve ever seen. And I think I’ve witnessed one of the funniest examples of male/female communication “dysfunction” that I’ve ever witnessed. I know it’s all soap opera-y and scripted, but it’s so true. If men and women aren’t getting along it’s usually 48% the way he feels, 48% the way she feels and about 4% the actual facts of the situation. Live and learn, eh?

Tomorrow I get to see Serenity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What’s up with the new NHL? Am I the only one who misses the hooking and holding. I’ll give it some time of adjustment for the new rules….but damn! I mean….Detroit vs Dallas. 4-2 Detroit. 4-2?!? That’s not a hockey game. Dallas/Detroit should be 1-0. That’s a hockey game.

Tomorrow I get to see Serenity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Another weekend gone....another birthday getting ready to go....

Writing doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m actually so far out of practice with any serious writing that it takes me quite a while to even get simple paragraphs down. In business you become trained to write short and sweet, totally antithetical to my personal style of verbal communication. That’s why writing here is a bit more fun, but also a bit more work. One day I do promise to document some of the changes that have occurred in my life the last year or so, but I really want to take the time to do it right. So for the moment why don’t we tackle some of the side thoughts I’ve been working through for the last few years…..

Relationships. For those who had the pleasure of sitting in while I was leading weeknight Bible studies at Livonia over the last few years I was there, you know that “relationships” was a point that I started to harp on over and over. Now as a Lutheran I do believe that Law and Gospel is a proper filter to be looking at Scripture through, but as a subset of “Gospel” I believe this idea of relationships takes some important precedence. When I spoke about them, I said that I believe that they are some of the most foundational, fundamental building blocks of Christianity….and I still feel that way. A little story of Jesus speaking about the most important commandments went like this:

Mark 12:28-33

28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"

29 "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

32 "Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. 33 To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."

If you want to see how The Father intended for us to live, make sure your relationships are in order. There is no such thing as a “good” relationship with God and yet having bad relations with those around you. If anything, this is one of the things that really led me to question this whole idea of Baptist autonomy. To claim to love your neighbor, but then to state that you have no responsibility toward them seemed a little ridiculous to me. But that’s all a little off topic and really a whole essay in and of itself. But that’s another writing for another time.

As we got a little closer to my 31st birthday, I’ve had some chances to look at various relationships in my life. About three weeks ago Julie and I went back to LBC for my brother’s Deacon Ordination. It was a fun time to reconnect with people that I would still consider family even though we don’t attend the same church anymore. As a matter of fact I’d say there’s probably quite a bit we’d disagree about nowadays, but I still love them to death. It was a good chance to reconnect and catch up. That same day Julie and I also babysat her friend’s daughter. So I developed a new relationship with my little 9 month old friend. It’s amazing what a nap on the couch together can do for two people.

Last weekend I got sick, but I didn’t give up on my weekly racquetball game. Why? Well, Julie would probably attribute it to a lack of common sense but the chance to get out with my friends once a week is a hard tug to resist. Of course then I was sick the rest of the weekend and spent it on the couch. I couldn’t even get out to church. But you know what was weird about that? I really wanted to go worship. In the short time that we’ve been going to this church I have really come to love the place. I hated the chance to miss seeing God in action and in community. That’s a feeling I haven’t had in a while.

And just this weekend many of my friends came over just to hang out for the night to celebrate my birthday (Julie’s idea, not mine). But you know what? I loved every minute of it. And a buddy of mine even called me that day just to talk for an hour and catch up. That’s the best part about relationships (romantic or otherwise). Take it from a guy who did the whole long distance dating thing for way too long (including a couple of intercontinental trips), it’s never about the distance, it’s about the effort.

Ok, I’ve rambled on long enough. You’ve gotten an update on my life and a look at my thoughts. Poor you. Probably should go back and re-edit this thing for, oh, I don’t know, coherency. But I won’t. On nights when Julie is on call I just feel like rambling, so ramble it is. Despite every part of my introverted personality that screams for solitude, it was great having my friends around. Who knows? I may grow to be a social creature yet…

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Just passing time...

Colds suck. There’s my deep revelation for the day. Heck, that might even cover it for the week. Somehow I’ve come down with a cold that’s just kicking my butt. Ok, granted playing racquetball last night probably didn’t help the situation, but what can I say? Can’t act mature and responsible all the time…

So instead of any deep thoughts, here is some more of the geeky wonderful news that keeps me going in my crazy way:

  1. Arrested Development starts up again on Monday night. This is the funniest show on television. Ok, Scrubs could probably give it a run for its money, but I love them both. 8:00 pm Monday night….watch AD.

  2. Petra is finally going to release a live CD/DVD combo as part of their Farewell Tour. In my own cold medicine, foggy headed kind of way I am totally geeked about this. And the best part? Special guest appearances by……..? Greg X Volz and John Lowry!!!!!! The original lead singer and the best keyboard player they ever had!!!!! They’re recording this thing on October 4 in Franklin, TN. Don’t think I wasn’t looking at my calendar to see if I could get away. Unfortunately no, but this does make up for me missing them when they were here in August. November 22 Petra: Farewell

  3. I’ve spent most of today reading comic books attempting to catch myself up on some of the major storylines going on. DC’s Infinite Crisis is really getting my attention. I am so looking forward to this story. It may just be marketing, but I like the way they’re tying it back to the original Crisis on Infinite Earths. Marvel’s House of M storyline is interesting, but I don’t quite get the same feeling of giddy excitement that I get from DC right now. Both have major ramifications for the universes involved, but DC definitely has my interest right now.

  4. T minus 13 days to the opening of Serenity. Firefly was only the coolest show that Joss Whedon had come up with. I can’t wait to see this in the theatre. Who wouldn’t want to see their favorite mechanic on the big screen? You must see this movie. There is no question. If you need to borrow the tv show, let me know. Julie and I are done rewatching the series. You must see it!!!!!

Ok, too much energy used up here. Must go back and sit down. Later.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


The topic of the week, it seems. It’s hard to go anywhere or do anything now that you don’t hear about the hurricane and its effect on those in Louisiana. Nor should we forget about what happened to them. As I ride to and from work every day I do a lot of channel switching and listen to talk shows (when I’m not cranking up the music) of all different types and varieties. As you might expect, I tend to listen to the two Christian stations I pick up on my ride home, the local Protestant station and the local Catholic station. It’s interesting to hear all the perspectives of the tragedy and God’s role in all of it. I think I’ve heard just about every explanation for this that could be out there. Opinions ranging from “This is God’s punishment to that decadent city of New Orleans” to “God would never use natural disasters to punish people, they’re just a consequence of the physical world and too cruel for God to use.” As usual, I believe scripture points to a position somewhere in between.

To those who would call this God’s punishment to the people of New Orleans I would point out a few things:
  • If it is a specific punishment, then God’s aim sucks. There is so much “collateral damage” that will come from this that many, many “innocent” (or as innocent as any of us can be with original sin) people to whom N.O.’s sin cannot be applied were hurt.

  • Scripture teaches us that “natural” disasters occur and that when we focus on the sin of the people involved, we’re really missing the big picture. Look at the Gospel of Luke, chapter 13. A natural disaster occurred when a tower fell and killed 18. Rather than feeling superior and safe in our sheltered worlds, perhaps we need to be looking around for our own disasters. God help us if we ever receive the due punishment for our sins. Reconcile with God now, listen to the calling of the Holy Spirit and repent while there is still time.

  • One should always be cautious about speaking in the name of God. As a prophet, one is held to a high standard. And when one is speaking God’s wrath on a group of people, you darn well better know what you’re talking about. And claiming to know the secret will of God (unless he has specifically revealed it) is not somewhere I want to go carelessly.

To those who would say that this is just a “random” happening I would say the following:
  • There is no such thing as a random happening. If you accept scripture, I would point you toward areas such as Hebrews 1:3 where it is testified that the world is sustained through the power of His Word. Or how about Matthew 10: 29 where we are told that even the falling of the sparrow does not occur apart from the will of the Father? If you do not accept scripture then I would pray that the Holy Spirit reveal himself and draw you close to Him as the Father wills. Please know that there is a loving God over all of this.

  • God the Father has used natural disasters to punish his creation. Flood (Genesis 7), plague (Exodus 8-12, 32), stories of disasters to come in the book of Revelation. It’s His world to use and it will be used to His glory.

Look at the Gospel of John, Chapter 9. Tragedies occur, but they provide us the opportunity to show God’s love to people and to see God working through all our lives. Here is where faith is truly put to the test, but here is where faith is ultimately proven. God loves. God is love and He’s there grieving and strengthening the people that call on His name. I don’t know how many people are going to read this, but I am sure that those who are drawn to will read it with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Find opportunities to help. Many of us will not be able to go and assist, but at the very least make sacrifices and give sacrificially to organizations that are helping. Two that I would recommend are:

Continue to pray for the survivors and refugees.
