Friday, January 12, 2007

Happy Friday!!!

Whew, here we are. Weeks are busy at this time of year for me. Year end close, audits, baby on the way....too much. We're trying to get financials done today, so I'm taking a little break now. I know that sounds a little strange, but the alternative is that I stand over my accountants going, "Are you done yet?" and giving them dirty looks. So they like it on these days when I stay in my office. So let's catch up on the news:


Julie & Baby: They're both doing well. Nothing new to report. Julie is looking pregnant, I talk to her stomach every once in a while. Baby Phillips and I have this thing going now. We're tight.

Other stuff:

David Beckam is going to play in the US. How weird. Non soccer/football fans are probably a little sick of hearing about it, but I'm kind of excited. As it is I can barely keep up with the EPL and I've only watched one Real Madrid game this season. I have to say David's status in the game does seem to be waning a little bit. I'm hoping to catch some of his games here, but I don't think that MLS gets broadcast much. Every once in a while a game shows up on ABC. I'll have to check ESPN2 or something like that to catch it, I suppose. Maybe Fox Soccer Channel will pick it up? Be nice to get games on at their right times for a change.

BTW, FSC: ManU vs Aston Villa this weekend and you're not showing it??? What dorks. Ok, so they just played last weekend in Cup qualifiers. I'm able to sit down this weekend. Show this weeks game please!!!

Check out this trailer for Hot Fuzz. This movie looks hilarious. We are so going to see it when it comes out. Best of all, it comes out in April....pre-Baby arrival.

The Apple iPhone (trademark Cisco). I must admit, I love my iPod and I'm seriously giving some thought to picking one of these up. If it works as well as advertised (and I'm willing to wait a while to find out) this is one of those gadgets I could get use to.

Marvel pushed Civil War #7 back to February 21st. Quesada is an idiot. I think he's killed the momentum on just about every Marvel "event" that's occured since he took over. It's getting to the point where even I lose interest after a while. Ok, that's a lie. So far my record for giving up comic books was 4 years. Then I fell again. I fell hard....

Oh well, that's some of the fun stuff I'm looking at. It's now time to go back and glare at my accountants for a little while.

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