Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Inside joke for the geek guy...

Here's a little chuckle I ran across in the new Star Wars hardcover, Betrayal (Star Wars: Legacy of the Force):

After an assasination attempt on Han and Leia, a security officer runs in to see if they're alright. Seeing only Leia, the conversation was as follows:

Tycho asked, "Is Han--"
"He's fine," Leia said. "Han shot first."

Heh...I'm such a Star Wars geek...


JHearne said...

Han shot first in the original Star Wars but the edits done for the re-release have Greedo shooting first.

What can you expect from a Rodian, though?

Jim said...


At least Lucas will be releasing the "Han shot first" versions here in September. History shall be correct once more.