Ok, maybe it’s a little cliché to say, but it’s amazing how your life can change when a baby comes home. Your time is no longer your own. Whereas before you would just jump into the car and head out, you now have to plan your trip, estimate the number of supplies necessary to keep the Princess happy, content and dry, as well as factor in an estimate of where you are on the Princess fussiness scale. Then, and only then, is it possible that you might be able to go out…provided the Princess allows it. Otherwise Plan B is you hand Princess Fuss-a-lot to your spouse and you run through the door as though Satan himself is on your tail. Sure, there might be a bit of guilt associated with that method, but never discount the pragmatic approach to getting things done. Besides, you’ll be too tired to feel guilty for long.
You’ll also find yourself an indentured servant to one whose entire existence revolves around eating, burping and messing their diaper. The funny part is that while a few weeks ago I would have found this idea slightly…um…undesirable, now I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than take care of this little person. It’s amazing how your life can take on a totally new significance centered on someone else’s bowel movements.
There are fun changes too. Sitting in the evenings watching television with the baby sleeping on your chest is an experience that just can’t be described. The little hands that just keep pulling on your chest hair (painful, but cute), or the little blue/gray eyes that look up into yours as we try to hold our head up…
And there are all the dreams we have to look forward to. Just this past weekend Elizabeth and I spent some time watching the NCAA Women’s Softball finals on ESPN (tv at 3:30am is fun). Daddy imparted some of his softball wisdom and explained most of the rules as we tried to determine if she'd be better as an infielder or outfielder. At three weeks old, I imagine she’s still got time to figure out what she wants to do, but I plan on giving her plenty of choices.
Yes, Daddy’s Little Girl has me totally wrapped around her finger. Sigh.
In keeping with the theme, look for changes on this blog as well. I’m giving Julie write access so we can write as a family about all that’s going on. I’ll be redesigning the blog a little. I’ve got a couple of other things in the works, but we’ll see if they come to fruition.