Monday, May 28, 2007


For any of you who may have been waiting, click here to see the baby pictures.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Day 1

Ok, so this isn't going to turn into a day to day in the life of Elizabeth, but I just wanted everyone to know we survived our first night at home. What a weird experience. It was one thing when we had her in the hospital, it's totally different now that she's in our space. Now comes the adjustment period. We both got a couple of shifts asleep last night, maybe 3-4 hours per. That's not bad at all. She gets a little fussy after she eats and we try all sorts of stuff to quiet her down. It's gas for the most part, but then she just likes to be fussy. So we learn and adapt. Anyway, I'm going to go play with the baby some more.

p.s.- yes, I am learning to diaper. What a skill.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

New Baby!!!

Elizabeth Mariema Phillips was born Thursday, 5/17 at 3:30 am. She was 8lbs, 5oz. I'm not sure how long she was. Mother is doing fine. She got an epidural that helped alot and pushing was rather quick. I've attached a couple of pictures.

Monday, May 14, 2007

B-day -3

Monday blues....

No baby yet, back at work.

Come on, baby....

Sunday, May 13, 2007

B-day -2

Still no change. Julie does get contractions every once in a while, but nothing yet. We do have talks with the Baby, but he/she isn't willing to come out yet.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

B-day -1

Well, no baby yet, but Julie is starting to feel some small, regular contractions. Now the wait begins.....

Will it be today?
Will it be tomorrow?
Will it be next week?

Come on kid, get here.....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Almost there...?

Well folks, tomorrow is d-day....or is that B-day? Either way, May 11 is the official due date and so far...? Not a twinge. Nada...nothing. So we're in hopeful anticipation, but Baby seems to be on his/her own schedule. Oh well, at least I'm getting financials done.

Please pray that the delivery comes soon and all goes well.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Iron Man

We take a break from our regulary scheduled baby watch to say....


Click here to check out EW's story.