Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Mother of All Tags

Wow. While reading Darrell Pursiful's blog I discovered that I (along with what must be half the blogging community) was tagged with the Five Random Facts About Me meme. Eh...what the heck. Could be fun. You just in case Trivial Pursuit decides to come up with the Jim Edition next year. Let's see what we've got here:

1. Most people know I love comic books. Most people don't know the depth of the sickness. My current estimate is that between my parent's house and mine I own (conservatively) 18,900 comic books.

2. I had the biggest crush on the same girl from junior high all the way through high school. The kicker? She was chasing after my best friend. Heh. Such drama.

3. My entire senior year of high school I really had no idea Julie was interested in me at all. She's still never forgiven me for not inviting her to my Senior Prom (silly Freshman...what was she thinking)

4. Believe it or not, I'm a frat boy. Alumni member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. Of course if you asked me anything about it now I'd blank.

5. I worked at McDonalds for, something like, six years. High school and college. It wasn't until I reached my late 20s that I finally stopped having the dreams about having to get up and open the store in the morning. Heck, I still think I could walk back into a store today and run it as well as anyone there.

So there you go. Some of the quirkiness that is me. This was kind of fun. Maybe we'll do this again some other time.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Happy Friday!!!

Whew, here we are. Weeks are busy at this time of year for me. Year end close, audits, baby on the way....too much. We're trying to get financials done today, so I'm taking a little break now. I know that sounds a little strange, but the alternative is that I stand over my accountants going, "Are you done yet?" and giving them dirty looks. So they like it on these days when I stay in my office. So let's catch up on the news:


Julie & Baby: They're both doing well. Nothing new to report. Julie is looking pregnant, I talk to her stomach every once in a while. Baby Phillips and I have this thing going now. We're tight.

Other stuff:

David Beckam is going to play in the US. How weird. Non soccer/football fans are probably a little sick of hearing about it, but I'm kind of excited. As it is I can barely keep up with the EPL and I've only watched one Real Madrid game this season. I have to say David's status in the game does seem to be waning a little bit. I'm hoping to catch some of his games here, but I don't think that MLS gets broadcast much. Every once in a while a game shows up on ABC. I'll have to check ESPN2 or something like that to catch it, I suppose. Maybe Fox Soccer Channel will pick it up? Be nice to get games on at their right times for a change.

BTW, FSC: ManU vs Aston Villa this weekend and you're not showing it??? What dorks. Ok, so they just played last weekend in Cup qualifiers. I'm able to sit down this weekend. Show this weeks game please!!!

Check out this trailer for Hot Fuzz. This movie looks hilarious. We are so going to see it when it comes out. Best of all, it comes out in April....pre-Baby arrival.

The Apple iPhone (trademark Cisco). I must admit, I love my iPod and I'm seriously giving some thought to picking one of these up. If it works as well as advertised (and I'm willing to wait a while to find out) this is one of those gadgets I could get use to.

Marvel pushed Civil War #7 back to February 21st. Quesada is an idiot. I think he's killed the momentum on just about every Marvel "event" that's occured since he took over. It's getting to the point where even I lose interest after a while. Ok, that's a lie. So far my record for giving up comic books was 4 years. Then I fell again. I fell hard....

Oh well, that's some of the fun stuff I'm looking at. It's now time to go back and glare at my accountants for a little while.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Prayer request

Just a quick request for any who may be reading:

Julie's Aunt Pat passed away last night. She'd been fighting lung cancer for the past year or so (never smoked) and was in hospice for the past few months. Her passing was apparently a fairly quiet event the other evening. Pray for her family as they deal with this, she was in her early 60s....not old at all.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year to everyone. It's been a while since I've taken the time to get on here, so let's catch everyone up on the important news before chatting a bit.

Baby update: Over Christmas holiday, Julie and I went in for the ultrasound appointment with the intention of finding out the sex of the baby. In what appears to be sign of things to come, the baby was not cooperating and decided to remain in positions that made it impossible for the technician to tell definitively what the sex was. Sigh....the baby is definately taking after Julie...difficult from the start.

So if I were you, I would definately expect lots of baby talk (er....discussion about babies) on this blog for the near future. It's hard to explain if you're single, or even married without kids yet, but the whole of our lives has been taken up with baby thoughts. Yes, that's right....we've become some of those people...and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Things we've been doing for years are now taking on new meaning. Questions just keep circulating through my head. What am I going to teach this child? What is this child going to teach me? I've got to brush up on my nursery rhymes again. Do I remember the alphabet? Dare I subject my child to the pain of being a lifelong Detroit Lions fan?

If you haven't been through this it's a little hard to describe the equal amounts of sheer terror and absolute joy that run through you all the time. All this responsibility for something that's going to have it's own will, it's own desires, it's own likes and it's own dislikes. And of course there's all the impending heartache to come. If it's a boy he's going to have to grow up and make his own way in the world. If it's a girl then you realize she's just going to remain daddy's girl even if she decides to grow up and marry some guy who won't be good enough any way. Sigh.....

But before we get to all that there's going to be all of the adventures. So many things to discover. Hands, toes, hugs, kisses, cats, zoos, music, the Oak Ridge Boys, Petra, trombones, comic books, books, science fiction, television, Elmo, movies, Star Wars, sports, pool, the Detroit Tigers, the Detroit Red Wings, the Plymouth Whalers, Church, litergy, God, Christ and the Holy Ghost. And the list goes on and on. So much to little time, it seems...

and I'm looking forward to every second of it.