Monday, June 26, 2006


Oh do I hurt. We've completed day one on the flooring project and I am feeling the pain. It's been taking a little longer than I thought it would, but we're making good progress. The floor is down in the bedroom...tomorrow we'll put in the closet floor and trim the room. Then we move on to the hallway....and the stairs. We got our first little surprise. They used stairnose lumber on the stairs themselves. Kind of makes it hard to use stair nose molding over it. We'll have to find another way to complete the stairs. Ah well, I have chugged my ibuprofen and I'm going to sit for a while. I was going to go to dinner with Julie and Andy but heavy italian food just doesn't sound too appealing right now.... :)

If you want to laugh while I'm working on this, look at the pictures on my website. You can get to them here.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Random ramblings

  • I've read this two or three times this week so I just need to vent a moment on this subject. I've seen where people have been rallying against this notion of Sola Scriptura as if to imply that the people who hold to it mean to say that they need Scripture and nothing else. Now I'm not sure about others, but I've always held to the view that Scripture is the sole normative rule of faith for the Christian life. To unpack that a little, Scripture is the one, definitive source of God's speaking to mankind. When other things enter the picture they are held to a scriptural standard. That's not to say that I don't use those other things (traditions) to bring me closer to God, but that I have to ensure that those traditions are in line with God's verified revelation. It seems that when I've seen this rallying against sola scriptura, it's usually against someone who appears to have developed an isolationist view of their faith. Me and God and the Bible.....nothing else. Without getting into the ridiculousness of the idea of a life without "tradition" (can't happen), does anybody actually know people who hold to this radical view of scripture alone? I always get a little peeved when I see it because I've never held to this thought and I don't believe that historically anyone has held to that belief. Yet when I see discussions from a Catholic viewpoint this is the perspective I see. Then some poor soul tries in vain to correct that misinterpretation to a more moderate view of scripture alone and usually wastes quite a bit of time. Anyway, I don't think I've ever seen anyone hold to that "isolationist" view and it always seems like a waste of time (a minority view) when I hear someone argue against it. Anybody have any stories for me?

  • You know that Lester girl that tried to run away to marry her "true love" over in Israel? Well someone put two and two together for me this morning (as slow as I am) and pointed out that her father (who was on Good Morning America this morning) works for our company down in Sales & Service. How weird. He's a quiet guy anyway, this thing really made me feel for him.

Welcome to the land of the surreal...

  • This upcoming Monday I start installing the new laminate floor upstairs and in the hallway, down the stairs to the living room. Here's hoping I don't cut anything off. Good thing my Dad will be there to help keep me on the straight and narrow.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Alias fever!!!!


Julie and I just finshed Alias Season 1. Now admittedly it's taken a little while to grow on me, but I figured that I could never go wrong watching Jennifer Garner in the evening. But the way JJ just ended up the was worthy of a BTVS season ending. Damn....he's got me hooked. Now the big question. We're going to switch over to Monarch of the Glen for lighter, easier fare for a little bit. But once I'm done...what next? Do I go to Alias season 2 or go as planned and start Battlestar Galactica season 1. This is truly one of the greater dilemas we've had to face. It's giving me a headache. My mind is still blown from the ending.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Christian response...

Like many I know I gained a certain amount of pleasure in hearing that the US had finally gotten a tangible, indisputable victory somewhere in Iraq. As I was enjoying the news, though, I always felt like something was wrong. Wrong with me and wrong with the world we live in. I stumbled across this blogger that was able to so perfectly put into words what I was feeling about the situation that I'm not even going to try to elaborate on it. Please just take a moment to click here and read the brief words he had to say. I don't know who he is, I don't know what he's about but I do know when I hear God's Word.

Monday, June 05, 2006

And we're back.......

Yeah, another Monday.

Thrilled to be here. I was able to pick up Julie last night, so she's back from Ithyca. Weekends while she's gone can either be the most productive times of my life or the most lethargic. This was a weekend of lethargy. I even forgot to turn on my alarm for Sunday and overslept and missed church. That sucked. Ah well, it's the start of a new week. Julie got up early with me today to work out. Hopefully this is the start of a new trend for us. We've got to work something in here. BTW, my weigh-in this week is:

Monday 6/5/2006 weigh-in: 300.0 lbs.

Misc. news:

1. Continue to pray for Julie's Aunt Pat. It seems to just be a matter of time now, but like I said, it could be months before anything happens.

2. Here's a little bit of not so serious news I like. Someone has finally optioned Anne McCaffrey's "Dragonriders of Pern" series for a movie. This is the series I really got into starting in junior high and I've loved it ever since. They've teased us with this sort of stuff before, but the tech may finally exist to pull this off now. See the press release here.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sport's Nirvana

The Tigers beat the Yankees last night 7-6. I didn't see the game (they were losing when Julie and I went to bed last night) but I was listening to the summary this morning. What a team!!! They won it in the 9th by coming back from one run down. Damn....this is a baseball team again. I know you can't see me, but I'm doing my little happy baseball dance here in the office before work. It's a happy dance.

Man...Tigers baseball grabbing my interest, and next week starts the World Cup elimination rounds. I'm really going to have to be planning out my next couple of weekends of tv viewing. Won't be able to keep my butt in the chair all weekend but I've got to see a few of these matches. Maybe I'll try to keep up with the US & England. Anglo-centered, I know, so sue me.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Go Tigers!!!! So they're on a 4 game losing streak. Big deal. They're still playing very well. It was a long night last night, though. As part of my 8 game Saturday package we received one Yankees game. That was last night (Wednesday). There was also this storm of biblical proportions that decided to blow through town last night, so after a rain delay of approximately one and a half hours we finally got the game going. It's funny how you can tell the baseball fans from the "social" (drinking?) crowd. Those of us that were really there to see the game brought our ponchos and foul weather gear. We were few and far between. For everyone else the delay wasn't so bad....we all had to hang in the concourse so there was as much drinking as they could handle anyway.

The game was closer than it sounds from the score. I think it ended up 7-1 Yankees, but at the time we left, after the 5th, it was only 2-0 Yankees. Frankly the Yankees wouldn't have had at least one of those runs if the ump hadn't have been helping them all night. An incredibly inconsistent strike zone and being out of position to call crucial plays really was not endearing him to the crowd.

This is still the most fun I've had in a while with the Tigers. What a year to get a game package, eh?