Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wings update....and a story

Ok, for those of you still interested the Wings are now down 2-1 in the series against Edmonton. We're going to get knocked out in the first round. I can feel it. It's like reliving high school all over again....

And speaking of such:

Those who know me know that I'm not one of those people who is worried about my age. I'll be turing 32 this year and frankly as long as I can still be immature I really don't worry about getting old. I seem to have that goal well in hand. But every once in a while I get these subtle reminders that time marches on....

Last night at band we had a guest conductor in who is a student at Wayne State and is working with us on a song because she needs the experience. Given that she's a student I can respect the fact that she's not going to be very good. Given a little time she'll be a respectable conductor, I'm sure. For the moment though, it's truly a struggle to follow her. We're all watching carefully but it's really becomes more of an exercise in mindreading than anything else.

Now someone must have told her that she must be assertive and take control of the band from the start. After a rough reading of one of her movements, she was looking a little frustrated. Frankly we were a little frustrated too, but that's beside the point. She proceeded to tell us, "You really need to follow me. That's all I can tell you. You have to watch and follow."

We now cut to the internal monologue in my head:

"Hon, I've been playing longer than you've been alive. Trust me I'm following. I've seen more conductors come and......

Hold on....

Let's think this through.....I started playing in 5th grade, so I was about 11. I'm going to be 32 this year.

She's an undergrad music student conductor. Worst case, she's 18, probably she's 19 or 20.

Damn, I have been playing longer than she's been alive.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

All hail Joss Wheadon....

So I was having a conversation with a friend last night and I'm happy to say I have made another convert. I have said it before and I will say it again....Joss Wheadon created three of the greatest shows to ever hit tv. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly. I know there are some non-believers out there but trust me, just sit and watch (in sequential order) any of these shows and feel the mastery of Joss for plotting and character interaction. The man is also the master of glib, fascitious comments. Right up my alley. I'm thinking it's time to reintroduce the "Buffy quote of the month" to my website. One more thing to add to the list of things to do, I suppose. Maybe I'll put it right on the front page. So really, go sit down in front of the tv. Start with Firefly to ease yourself in. It's unrelated to Buffy and Angel, it's short (only 13 episodes and one movie) and watch them all the way through. You'll be hooked...

Oh, any by the way....

Jewel (Kaylee) if you ever get tired of that loser...I mean that guy you me. I'm available. Julie knows all about my redhead thing. I think I get a free pass. Besides she never reads this blog anyway..... ;)

Ok, so I'll be in trouble later. It's worth it. me....................sigh...............

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Go Red Wings!!!!!

The Red Wings are in the playoffs!!!! Ok, so it wasn't much of a stretch. After a while you just begin to expect these things. To tell you the truth, I haven't really been following hockey much this season. Not that the Wings aren't an excellent team, but I kind of feel like the hockey they brought back after the lockout isn't really like the hockey I know and love. I still enjoy the sport, but it just seems a little different. This "family-friendly", offensively fast game just doesn't feel the same to me. Maybe it's just the team I grew up on, but I want to see a couple of teams duke it out. The scoring doesn't even make sense anymore. Scoring use to tell you a little something about the other team. If your team scored more than three goals in a game, then you knew that the other team really sucked and probably needed to go back to their knitting circle meetings. But now you get these higher scoring games because "America demanded a faster paced game." Does tradition mean nothing? Do we have to tailor everything to the ADD / MTV generation? I mean 6-3 is not a hockey score, it's a player's height. But not anymore. And this whole shootout thing being exciting....Huh? A breakaway is exciting because it occurs during the game and is usually the result of either extreme skill or extreme luck. Hell, if I just wanted to watch someone skate from the midline and shoot on goal to decide the game, why don't they just do that at the beginning and quit wasting my time. Now get through three or four overtimes when everyone is exhausted, then a shootout might be interesting, but this? Nah.

The fighting isn't even really worth talking about. I've never wanted to see anyone get seriously hurt, but most of the guys in these fights jumped into them of their own free will...adreneline influencing them or not. And don't even think about checking too hard or the whistle will get blown before you even get done thinking about making the hit.

Ah well, maybe I just need some time to adjust. Now that I've got it off my chest maybe I can sit and enjoy the playoffs. But I can't be alone. Last I heard there are still playoff tickets available for Friday's game.

Playoff tickets available in Hockeytown.

That just doesn't happen.

Welcome to the new NHL

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Music, music and more music

Ok, so I really intended to blog today on subjects both serious and timely. much for that. Last weekend I bought Julie an iPod. Since then I've taken it upon myself to get my music collection on my computer as soon as possible. Those of you who have seen the "wall o'cds" know that this is no small feat. And for Julie's sake I did cheat a little bit. I rushed through some cds that I know she's been listening to a lot lately. So I've got the thing synched and loaded. But now I'm working the way through the rest of my collection. I'm up to the C's. I should be done sometime in the next lifetime. So sometime soon, I promise, serious writing about what is going on with us.

Play it again, Sam

Saturday, April 01, 2006


I love spring. For some reason it just brings me back to life...along with everything else. As the sun has been coming up earlier, so have I. I feel like I can start eating better, can start moving a little. My attitude has improved immensly. I really need to find a way to beat this next winter. But for now I'm good. Believe it or not I've been using Julie's "Yoga for Dummies" dvd for the past week or so (try not to let the imagery of me doing yoga throw you). I figured I needed to start with something "easier", more stretching and core body strengthening rather than trying to go with more radical, traditional exercising with this body. And I do feel good. Yeah, I know...I cycle through this weight thing all the time. But if you don't have a tendency to be a "big" person, I don't think you get it anyway. But I'm making some changes this time. We're going to be much better off by the time of Bill's wedding next year. Ah well, I'd sit and chat, but I have to move on to a few things today. I'll try to get back on tomorrow to review a few things I've read and listened to lately.
