Saturday, December 31, 2005

Almost there

Happy New Year (almost)!!!!!

Ya know, for a “restful” holiday week I think I’m ready to get back to work just so I can take a break. This has been one of those weeks where just about everything I wanted to accomplish has not been done, but we’ve been coming up with interesting new challenges just to see how Jim would react. Frankly, it all started out so well. Nice holiday, lots of family time. But it seems that my life all fell apart thanks to an ornery dryer. You heard me; my appliances are rebelling against me. Ok, admittedly it is partly my fault. I was trying to fix a part of the dryer that I thought would be easy enough to open, take the old part out and pop in the new part. Heh…silly me. Little did I know that they design this stuff so you have to dismantle the entire dryer to replace one simple little part. So long story short, I got the thing back together but, cliché I know, it was never quite the same afterwards. A day later, after the high pitched whiney noise that indicated the end of the dryer I spent a day tracking down a new dryer/washer, transporting the silly thing home and getting it installed. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but trust me, it was an entire day. Then most of this day was dedicated to getting rid of the old machine. Two days of the five day vacation…….sigh…..

But I get to go to church tonight and then we’re having friends over for the evening to celebrate the new year.

Ah well, I know this is a bit rushed but I have to get ready for church. More to come tomorrow (the last day of this exciting day vacation).

Monday, December 26, 2005


And on the second day God said, “Give Jim a break!”

Ok, not really, but I’m ready for that break now. After three days of family and friends and church services it was nice to spend an afternoon just sitting around the house and not being social. The batteries are starting to recharge but it’s going to take a little while. As one of those introverts, being around people just tends to wear me out. The worst part is that people tend to interpret your actions as being rude, or not liking them when that’s really not the case. In my case it’s just that I’m a homebody. I recharge at home. Place me in a group of people or take me away from my home and I get drained. Just the way it is. But I did have a wonderful time with everyone I spent Christmas with. And I love my new church family. There was a wonderful service Christmas morning that was just so….worshipful. I love where I’ve moved to. Praise be to God for bringing me there. So enjoy your vacations, all. Time enough to work later ;)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Ok, I know it's a day early, but I finally got two minutes to sit down here and I don't know how busy tomorrow will be. So to all, I hope the holiday is peaceful. Relax and enjoy the downtime.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Snow Fun!!!

And the snow has arrived!!!!!! We finally got our first good 8 inch snow and here I am in Flint. Ah well. I have a hotel room booked for the night so I think I'm going to go there, eat a nice dinner and sit around with my book for the evening. Hope everyone else is safe and warm. How in the heck will I sleep without the kitties on my feet? More bedspace for me. ;)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Miscellaneous news

Wow…two posts in one day??? Ok, so the first one was cheating a little bit. I actually wrote it a couple of days ago, but was having some problems with Blogger so I didn’t get it posted. Today I have the pleasure of sitting around the house with my first cold of the season. My throat hurts and my head’s congested. You really have to love this time of year.

So I’m getting plenty of quality time reading comic books, watching tv and catching up on novels. Since I don’t have much to write about, how’s about we see what’s going on out in cyberspace.

Here’s an article out of the Chicago Tribune about Willow Creek and the fact that they’re not holding Christmas services. I’ve read through the reasoning three or four times and it still doesn’t make sense to me. They’re equating a personal family celebration (the birth of a child) and equating it to corporate worship. Talk about a lesson in not getting it.

Just when you thought it would never happen, here is a link to an article that has pictures of the soon to come movie, “Rocky Balboa”. That’s right, Rocky VI. I’d try to come up with some witty, sarcastic remark about this movie, but come on, you know you’re going to go see it. How can you not see Rocky VI???

We’re at T-minus thirteen days until “Serenity” is released on dvd. I know the movie didn’t exactly break any box office records, but I still loved it. And now it appears that Joss Wheadon is going to continue the Buffyverse and Serenityverse with straight-to-dvd movies. So I’m happy.

Alright, I’m having trouble sitting up straight, so I’m going to go back to the couch. Happy Wednesday, all!!!

Here comes the cold

And winter has arrived…..yuck.

Actually it’s not so bad. I do tend to like winter, but the reason I really like winter is because I’m such a homebody I like any excuse to stay in and in bed. My biggest annoyance during the winter has to do with driving back and forth to work. Considering that I have an hour drive to work each day when the weather is good, I tend to get a little grouchy when the weather turns like this.

Julie and I had a nice weekend at my company Christmas Party. There’s nothing like taking Julie to meet all of the crazy souls I tell her I encounter during the day. Now she knows why I am the way I am when I get home.

My new toy arrived this weekend. That’s right, I now have a DVR!!! Woo-hoo! Ok, I had to give up HBO to get it, but frankly I wasn’t watching much HBO anyway.

For my fellow geeks out there, they’ve released a teaser trailer for X3. Don’t know if it’ll be any good or not, but I liked the first two so I’m willing to give this one the benefit of the doubt. Have to love the look of Kelsey Grammer as the Beast. And please, just let me look at that shot of Famke Janson walking out of the infirmary four or five times in slow motion and I’ll be perfectly happy.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Work Day Fun!!!

I hate budget season…

My brain is mush…


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Life goes on

Wow. Ok, it’s been a little while since I last sat down and wrote. I guess things have been a little busier than I thought. So what’s been going on?

  • Well, Julie’s back on “mole” for a couple of weeks. Plenty of bed space for me, but it’s kind of quiet around the house again. Ah well….only a couple of weeks.

  • Yesterday Julie and I took a day to babysit Iris again. She’s really my favorite 11 month old. Since Julie was sleeping for a while that morning, I got to go pick her up and bring her home. We took a detour by my folks house and let her socialize with my family for a while. Man, I think they’re all ready for grandchildren. Eh, I think we’re ready too. All I can say is we’re working on it, although it appears to be more difficult than one would think. I mean, at least the way we’re trying it, you both have to be in bed at the same time to make progress and….well….see bullet point one above….

  • Well, it appears that Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson are cranking away on the final two books of the original Dune series. Sigh….I’m going to have to go back and re-read them just to get back to what in the heck is going on with the storyline. I love that series but man, it is dense. Ah well, looking forward to it.

  • Just wrapped up another book, “Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal” by Christopher Moore. It was a gift and it was actually hilarious. One of those laugh out loud books. It’s also interesting to see how people with different perspectives view Christ and Christianity in general, but I think I’ve just read a very humanistic view of the supernatural. Now that I think about it, it’s actually quite amazing that he pulled that off. Oh well, now I’ll move on to “The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis. I’m intrigued to read about love and relationships in general. Give me something to ponder about where I have gone wrong in my life and where I need to improve. (I know, I know….very narcissistic, all about me).

  • So now that I own all six Star Wars movies how long will it be until a weekend Star Wars fest? Maybe over Christmas?

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Hmmm...what to do, what to do? Ok I know what to do.......more mental anguish to come, I suppose. Or maybe it will solve problems? Who knows....

Anyway, in other stuff:

Red Wings over St. Louis 5-1. Hockey is back and the city is fine.

Serenity was a coooooool movie. I loved it. I know there are some mixed reviews from those who weren't fans of the series, but for us serious geeks it was great.

Tigers got a new manager. Like it was the manager who wasn't scoring runs. I'm gonna miss Tram

Lions still suck. I can't wait until they're good again. (oh this is a long wait)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

More Random Thoughts

So I’m sitting here watching one of the two shows that I must watch on a weekly basis, “Everwood” (the other, if you’re curious is “Arrested Development”, the funniest show ever made). I love this show. And for the season opener they are showing some of the funniest examples of relationships that I’ve ever seen. And I think I’ve witnessed one of the funniest examples of male/female communication “dysfunction” that I’ve ever witnessed. I know it’s all soap opera-y and scripted, but it’s so true. If men and women aren’t getting along it’s usually 48% the way he feels, 48% the way she feels and about 4% the actual facts of the situation. Live and learn, eh?

Tomorrow I get to see Serenity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What’s up with the new NHL? Am I the only one who misses the hooking and holding. I’ll give it some time of adjustment for the new rules….but damn! I mean….Detroit vs Dallas. 4-2 Detroit. 4-2?!? That’s not a hockey game. Dallas/Detroit should be 1-0. That’s a hockey game.

Tomorrow I get to see Serenity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Another weekend gone....another birthday getting ready to go....

Writing doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m actually so far out of practice with any serious writing that it takes me quite a while to even get simple paragraphs down. In business you become trained to write short and sweet, totally antithetical to my personal style of verbal communication. That’s why writing here is a bit more fun, but also a bit more work. One day I do promise to document some of the changes that have occurred in my life the last year or so, but I really want to take the time to do it right. So for the moment why don’t we tackle some of the side thoughts I’ve been working through for the last few years…..

Relationships. For those who had the pleasure of sitting in while I was leading weeknight Bible studies at Livonia over the last few years I was there, you know that “relationships” was a point that I started to harp on over and over. Now as a Lutheran I do believe that Law and Gospel is a proper filter to be looking at Scripture through, but as a subset of “Gospel” I believe this idea of relationships takes some important precedence. When I spoke about them, I said that I believe that they are some of the most foundational, fundamental building blocks of Christianity….and I still feel that way. A little story of Jesus speaking about the most important commandments went like this:

Mark 12:28-33

28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"

29 "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

32 "Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. 33 To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."

If you want to see how The Father intended for us to live, make sure your relationships are in order. There is no such thing as a “good” relationship with God and yet having bad relations with those around you. If anything, this is one of the things that really led me to question this whole idea of Baptist autonomy. To claim to love your neighbor, but then to state that you have no responsibility toward them seemed a little ridiculous to me. But that’s all a little off topic and really a whole essay in and of itself. But that’s another writing for another time.

As we got a little closer to my 31st birthday, I’ve had some chances to look at various relationships in my life. About three weeks ago Julie and I went back to LBC for my brother’s Deacon Ordination. It was a fun time to reconnect with people that I would still consider family even though we don’t attend the same church anymore. As a matter of fact I’d say there’s probably quite a bit we’d disagree about nowadays, but I still love them to death. It was a good chance to reconnect and catch up. That same day Julie and I also babysat her friend’s daughter. So I developed a new relationship with my little 9 month old friend. It’s amazing what a nap on the couch together can do for two people.

Last weekend I got sick, but I didn’t give up on my weekly racquetball game. Why? Well, Julie would probably attribute it to a lack of common sense but the chance to get out with my friends once a week is a hard tug to resist. Of course then I was sick the rest of the weekend and spent it on the couch. I couldn’t even get out to church. But you know what was weird about that? I really wanted to go worship. In the short time that we’ve been going to this church I have really come to love the place. I hated the chance to miss seeing God in action and in community. That’s a feeling I haven’t had in a while.

And just this weekend many of my friends came over just to hang out for the night to celebrate my birthday (Julie’s idea, not mine). But you know what? I loved every minute of it. And a buddy of mine even called me that day just to talk for an hour and catch up. That’s the best part about relationships (romantic or otherwise). Take it from a guy who did the whole long distance dating thing for way too long (including a couple of intercontinental trips), it’s never about the distance, it’s about the effort.

Ok, I’ve rambled on long enough. You’ve gotten an update on my life and a look at my thoughts. Poor you. Probably should go back and re-edit this thing for, oh, I don’t know, coherency. But I won’t. On nights when Julie is on call I just feel like rambling, so ramble it is. Despite every part of my introverted personality that screams for solitude, it was great having my friends around. Who knows? I may grow to be a social creature yet…

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Just passing time...

Colds suck. There’s my deep revelation for the day. Heck, that might even cover it for the week. Somehow I’ve come down with a cold that’s just kicking my butt. Ok, granted playing racquetball last night probably didn’t help the situation, but what can I say? Can’t act mature and responsible all the time…

So instead of any deep thoughts, here is some more of the geeky wonderful news that keeps me going in my crazy way:

  1. Arrested Development starts up again on Monday night. This is the funniest show on television. Ok, Scrubs could probably give it a run for its money, but I love them both. 8:00 pm Monday night….watch AD.

  2. Petra is finally going to release a live CD/DVD combo as part of their Farewell Tour. In my own cold medicine, foggy headed kind of way I am totally geeked about this. And the best part? Special guest appearances by……..? Greg X Volz and John Lowry!!!!!! The original lead singer and the best keyboard player they ever had!!!!! They’re recording this thing on October 4 in Franklin, TN. Don’t think I wasn’t looking at my calendar to see if I could get away. Unfortunately no, but this does make up for me missing them when they were here in August. November 22 Petra: Farewell

  3. I’ve spent most of today reading comic books attempting to catch myself up on some of the major storylines going on. DC’s Infinite Crisis is really getting my attention. I am so looking forward to this story. It may just be marketing, but I like the way they’re tying it back to the original Crisis on Infinite Earths. Marvel’s House of M storyline is interesting, but I don’t quite get the same feeling of giddy excitement that I get from DC right now. Both have major ramifications for the universes involved, but DC definitely has my interest right now.

  4. T minus 13 days to the opening of Serenity. Firefly was only the coolest show that Joss Whedon had come up with. I can’t wait to see this in the theatre. Who wouldn’t want to see their favorite mechanic on the big screen? You must see this movie. There is no question. If you need to borrow the tv show, let me know. Julie and I are done rewatching the series. You must see it!!!!!

Ok, too much energy used up here. Must go back and sit down. Later.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


The topic of the week, it seems. It’s hard to go anywhere or do anything now that you don’t hear about the hurricane and its effect on those in Louisiana. Nor should we forget about what happened to them. As I ride to and from work every day I do a lot of channel switching and listen to talk shows (when I’m not cranking up the music) of all different types and varieties. As you might expect, I tend to listen to the two Christian stations I pick up on my ride home, the local Protestant station and the local Catholic station. It’s interesting to hear all the perspectives of the tragedy and God’s role in all of it. I think I’ve heard just about every explanation for this that could be out there. Opinions ranging from “This is God’s punishment to that decadent city of New Orleans” to “God would never use natural disasters to punish people, they’re just a consequence of the physical world and too cruel for God to use.” As usual, I believe scripture points to a position somewhere in between.

To those who would call this God’s punishment to the people of New Orleans I would point out a few things:
  • If it is a specific punishment, then God’s aim sucks. There is so much “collateral damage” that will come from this that many, many “innocent” (or as innocent as any of us can be with original sin) people to whom N.O.’s sin cannot be applied were hurt.

  • Scripture teaches us that “natural” disasters occur and that when we focus on the sin of the people involved, we’re really missing the big picture. Look at the Gospel of Luke, chapter 13. A natural disaster occurred when a tower fell and killed 18. Rather than feeling superior and safe in our sheltered worlds, perhaps we need to be looking around for our own disasters. God help us if we ever receive the due punishment for our sins. Reconcile with God now, listen to the calling of the Holy Spirit and repent while there is still time.

  • One should always be cautious about speaking in the name of God. As a prophet, one is held to a high standard. And when one is speaking God’s wrath on a group of people, you darn well better know what you’re talking about. And claiming to know the secret will of God (unless he has specifically revealed it) is not somewhere I want to go carelessly.

To those who would say that this is just a “random” happening I would say the following:
  • There is no such thing as a random happening. If you accept scripture, I would point you toward areas such as Hebrews 1:3 where it is testified that the world is sustained through the power of His Word. Or how about Matthew 10: 29 where we are told that even the falling of the sparrow does not occur apart from the will of the Father? If you do not accept scripture then I would pray that the Holy Spirit reveal himself and draw you close to Him as the Father wills. Please know that there is a loving God over all of this.

  • God the Father has used natural disasters to punish his creation. Flood (Genesis 7), plague (Exodus 8-12, 32), stories of disasters to come in the book of Revelation. It’s His world to use and it will be used to His glory.

Look at the Gospel of John, Chapter 9. Tragedies occur, but they provide us the opportunity to show God’s love to people and to see God working through all our lives. Here is where faith is truly put to the test, but here is where faith is ultimately proven. God loves. God is love and He’s there grieving and strengthening the people that call on His name. I don’t know how many people are going to read this, but I am sure that those who are drawn to will read it with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Find opportunities to help. Many of us will not be able to go and assist, but at the very least make sacrifices and give sacrificially to organizations that are helping. Two that I would recommend are:

Continue to pray for the survivors and refugees.


Monday, August 29, 2005


Mondays are never simple in my life. Today was pretty good at work, but it seems like life hits me in one way or another whenever I'm not looking. Today's bit of irony came to me as I was sitting eating dinner at home. As is my custom I had the tv on (hey, Julie wasn't home yet) and was watching the BBC World News. As I was munching away I was looking at the devistation caused by Hurricane Katrina along the gulf coast. Just the strange juxtaposition of the sorrow and hardship these folks were going to have to go thorugh, and here I was feeding my face. Add to the irony the start of Monday Night Football and people jumping up and down like football was just the most important thing in the world yet here were others who seem to have lost everything. Isn't the world crazy???? Please God, show me how to reconnect to the world around me.....

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Man, it's Tuesday and I'm worn out. Sorry it's been a while since I last posted but I've been kind of busy. And if you look around the house you'll see evidence of our busy-ness through the extreme disorder of the place. It's a mess. So why am I tired? Well what's been going on.....

1. Wedding in Chicago: We just got back from a wedding for Julie's friend Brenda in Burr Ridge, Illinois. Now the unfortunate part was that Julie was on call on Friday night and so we had to leave Saturday. Now given that Julie's tired, and was going to do both our shares of the partying on Saturday know who did all the driving. Now given all the traffic on I-80 and the general insanity on US-94 it was a loooooong trip. On the positive side I left the party at my usual early time and got to watch Star Wars Ep III on the in room movie.

2. Work, work, work, work, work.

3. A blitzkreig dental assault on my teeth when all I thought I was doing was going in to have my dentist look at my teeth. I went in a couple of weeks ago and the hygenist cleaned my teeth, but my dentist wasn't there that day and there were a couple of spots the hygenist wanted him to look at so...back I came. Come in, sit in chair, look at teeth, go home, right? Not. When he walks in the room he says, "Alright Jim, we'll just numb them up and get to work." Wha...huh...?!? So anyway, two spots were drilled and filled. My mouth was numb half of the day. Now I just have a headache....

So yeah, wah, wah, blah, blah. Just tired and worn out. Hopefully I'll be able to post here a little more often. I have some plans for the website, with some writings that are probably more appropriate for an essay than for a blog. As I get time that is what I'd really like to focus more on. Oh well, catch you all later.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Wow. Another season is over. If anyone has been wondering what a bunch of guys who don't practice can do when they put their minds to it....apparently we can come in fourth place in the league. In a little bit of cosmic irony we won both of our games last night, moving ourselves into the Championship games today (Saturday) and then we had to forefit the game today because we couldn't get enough people that could make it. Wow. Sometimes life isn't fair, but we played our rear ends off last night and I think we all had alot to be proud of. For a season that we weren't really sure was going to happen, this one has sure been fun.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ahhhh...Love in the air

Ok, so anyone who knows me knows a few things about my obsession for movies. Along with my love of movies in general, my nigh-obsessive love of all things Star Wars and my geek love of Star Trek movies....I also have this thing for "chick flicks". That's right...romantic comedies. I love 'em. And tonight, when I got home, what was on tv???? "Return to Me" with David Duchovney and Minnie Driver. I LOVE this movie. Along with "The Replacements" and "The Waterboy", I could watch RTM 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's so cute, so sad and yet so happy. And let's not forget cheesy. So everyone have a good night...I'm sitting here as happy as can be. ;)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

News (at least to the geek world)

So let's see what's been happening in the world lately.....

HOCKEY IS BACK!!!!!!!!! (Good News) The Red Wings have placed Darren McCarty, Derian Hatcher and Ray Whitney on waivers. (Bad News)

I mean.....DMac?!?!? Ok, I know somewhere this is a smart business move. Gotta fit in under the new agreement. But come on....that sucks. Maybe we can spread some kind of rumor that he has a rare tropical disease or something so no one else picks him up?

Julie is still working mole. We're still going through this pseudo-dating thing. Ya know, the dating thing was fun while we were just sucks when you're married. Only one more week....just one more week.

The 10th Doctor!!!!! The BBC has finally released pictures of David Tennant as the new Doctor. Have to say that I've been thrilled with the new series. It's been a blast of a remake. If you want to see the new Doctor, click here. He's something of a cross between Peter Davison and Tom Baker. I definately like the more classic costume.

Band Concert this Thursday. The Ypsilanti Community Band is playing this Thursday out at Candy Cane Park in Ypsi at 7:30 pm. We're playing "modern" music. And by modern I mead a medly of some pop tunes as well as some movie arrangements. Should be interesting considering we've had to practice in a school gym. Nothing beats practicing in a room where the sound echos all around you.

Speaking of which....gotta go to practice. See y'all later.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Wow...what a week. But I made it to Thursday. I can't really say that tomorrow will be any better, but at least I don't have to go to work. It's just been a long, long week...but it's virtually over. One lesson I learned tonight......some Jameson and two hours playing pool will help you get your mind mellow again. and softball. Busy...busy is good....

Monday, July 18, 2005

A Brand New Week!!!!!'s Monday!!!!!! Well, actually it's the end of Monday. I suppose that's a good thing. When the highlight of your day is a really need a new day. Ok, I suppose I'm lying a little. The highlight of the day was seeing Julie before she went to work. That's right, she's a mole. Small, furry, brown.......ok, not really. But she is working the mole shift at the hospital. 7pm to 7am. Yaaaaawwwwwwnnnnn. Makes me tired just thinking about it. She's got to do this for the next two weeks, but she does get off Friday morning and doesn't go back until Sunday night, so at least I get to see her this weekend. I'm not really sure which Julie is funnier to interact with, the Julie that use to stay up all hours studying and was exhausted or the Julie that just works all hours, comes home to sleep all day and then wakes up exhausted? Ah well, at least I can keep the sink empty. I'm not sure what we're going to do once we actually have to spend time with each other. It's a good thing Julie lets me keep my dating options open......

(for those who didn't catch the dripping sarcasm, insert it into the last sentence) ;)

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Having a two hour drive every day gives me a lot of time to think. All in all, it's probably way more time than I ought to have to myself. Add in the fact that at least once a week it seems that my wife is on call and you've got waaaaay too much time for stuff to rattle around in my brain all by itself.

One of the things I've had the distinct pleasure of pondering lately is pride. My own, I will say, more than others. Pride in guys is a funny thing. We probably allow it to run our lives much more than we should, at least I know I do. If anything, it's one of the things I pray every day to be broken of, or at least to put in the proper perspective, and it's probably the thing that punishes me the most. As I said, I have a lot of time to think. My mind operates in many ways like a very cynical DVR operating in endless loop. I will go over my errors and other's errors in endless loops in my mind, especially if they're unresolved. The problem with that is it allows small hurts to grow. Then that grows into anger, and if that remains unresolved, then the pride kicks in. And it's hard to get around that pride. Maybe I'm stuck with it. It feels like I am for right now anyway.

That's not to say that the problems that lead to these feelings aren't real. It's kind of like they say about paranoia....sometimes they really are out to get you. But you can certainly see your own culpability in situations. Then you do something stupid and back yourself into a corner that you don't have the ability (or right) to get yourself out of. Ah well, que sera, sera. I don't really mean that cynically, just realistically. I would expect that the one that should read this will never read it, but all I can say is I'm sorry. And will always be sorry for being stupid.

So if you hung around this long, I'm sorry for all the unloading. Sometimes stuff just needs to go out. I haven't really decided what this blog is going to be for. General chit-chat, deep insights, confessional (I am Lutheran, you know)... So for anyone who's bummed out by the contemplative Jim, don't worry. Superficial, sarcastic Jim will be back tomorrow. Besides, no one beside Julie should really be forced to listen to all the little ponderable thoughts that go through my head. I'll catch everyone at softball for some hitting therapy (btw....Friday, Saturday and Monday???? I'm going to start taking ibuprofen now, my knees are aching just thinking about it)

Monday, July 11, 2005

Home Run Derby!!!!!

Man...I'm sitting here watching the HRD and I pulled out Bobby Abreu's baseball card as I'm watching. His highest home run record has been 30 and that was last year. Man, that was some show. Would hate to follow him up...

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Fantastic Four Movie

Well, I've finally dragged myself out of bed this morning after a late night at the movies. Went and saw the FF movie with Bill and KJ. I have to say, I went into the movie not expecting much and came out pleasantly surprised. I loved it. It looked like the FF, they acted like the FF (granted, more like the Ultimates version, but that's cool). All in all they did a great job. And any night spent watching Jessica Alba can't be all that bad. All the fanboys out there posting their hyper-critical reviews just need to take a pill and relax.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

So what are we doing here???

So this is the new news area. Hopefully as I find time I'll post some thoughts, let you guys know what's going on. I should be able to figure out how to give Julie access to this thing so she can update everyone as well. I'm going to do my best to stay away from the grumpy posts. Sometimes it's too tempting to just post every little thing that goes through your mind and you realize you're just griping, so I'm going to try not to do that. Just a warning for those reading this, July is not going to be a happy month. Since I'm not allowed to do anything about my problem, I'm just going to be grumpy. (For my staff, not a good month to screw up....)

Ah, I feel better now. So I'll try to balance out the mundane, everyday Jim observances with some of the more profound thoughts I have. And yes, I do have them (...Occasionally), two hours in the car each day give you a lot of time to think. Some might say too much...

Ah well, there is some wild scrapbooking going on upstairs, and there's a Tiger's game on tv (and believe it or not, they're winning), so I'm going to move over to the couch and get into baseball for a little bit.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Welcome to the new news site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here it is. I'm finally getting around to playing around with my website and revising it. As you can see, I took something of the cheap way out and decided to us Blogger to create the "blog" portion. Frankly, it's a bit faster than my old way and with any luck I can get Julie to use this a little too. So this should be fun. Watch here for updates as I keep working.

Oh yeah...of course I'm working on this because Julie is working all day. Bummer to us. Simone has been keeping me entertained, but I hate holidays where everyone is busy. Ah well, such is life.